Mood shifts which are also known as manic-depression is a problem which people suffering from bipolar disorder are regularly affected with. This is a mental health problem where the individual suffering from it has at least a single manic episode where he or she is highly excited or irritated.
The episodes of mood shifts can range from just manic or hypomanic condition and can last for weeks to cause significant problems with work and relationships. The problem of mood shifts affects approximately 5% of all adults in the United States which includes men and women equally.
Coping with mood shifts can be difficult
The problem of bipolar disorder comes with some depressive symptoms which can be in the form of irritability, hopelessness, major depressive episodes, an increase or decrease in weight, sleep, and appetite. The individual suffering from the problem can be demanding, attempting to kill themselves or others and other problems.
The phase of having manic symptoms
The manic symptoms of this condition can include the individual suffering from an excessive sense of well-being and abilities, decreased sleep, rapid thoughts and speaking in a manner which is difficult to decipher.
People that are suffering from manic symptoms have the potential to engage in activities that are not appropriate and can include problems like excessive spending or getting into inappropriate behavior with others.
Diagnosing the condition of bipolar I and bipolar II
For an individual to be diagnosed as suffering from bipolar I disorder he or she must have experienced at least a single manic episode of the full-blown variety during their lifetime.
Individuals that are suffering from bipolar II disorder must have experienced at least a single episode of hypomanic mood shifts that are usually less severe than the symptoms of fully manic conditions.
Mixed features are also popular with this condition
Many people who are suffering from mood shifts or bipolar disorder also find their mood shifts being associated with mixed features. They may experience the symptoms of depression during episodes of manic or hypomanic mood swings.
The causes of bipolar disorder
It has been ascertained that a single factor which can contribute to the development of bipolar disorder hasn’t been identified at this stage. A number of factors such as a decrease in the activity of particular parts of the brain have been noted among individuals that are suffering from bipolar disorder and having their depressive or manic mood shifts.
Risk factors for bipolar disorder
The symptoms of this condition can generally have a couple of peaks when the onset begins. It can happen between the ages of 15 and 25 and from 45 to 54. Other risk factors which can also contribute to this condition may include a family history of depression or mood shifts and also a history of substance abuse. Abuse in life which can cause stress and potentially trigger this disorder.
Can people cope with the problems which affect them?
People suffering from bipolar disorder or mood shifts will find that the condition is interfering with their ability to work in personal life, achieve grades in school or maintain relationships. People suffering from this condition are also at a higher risk of suffering from mental health problems effort from medical conditions.
People who are affected by mood shifts increase the likelihood of developing problems with substance abuse which can be as high as 22% and in some cases even exceed 50%. People may begin consuming alcohol to depress their symptoms and this is a method of self-medicating which is often being used.
Incidences of suicide among people with bipolar disorder is as high as 10% which is 10 times higher when compared to the people who may have no mental health conditions. They may adopt behaviors like giving away things are trying to put their affairs in order which are commonly known as the indicative signs of suicide. Individuals displaying symptoms as these should be immediately shifted to the nearest emergency room.
The diagnosis of bipolar disorder
Professionals dealing with mental health disorders try to gather a comprehensive history of the patient and also conduct an examination to understand the mental status of the individual. The professionals will be looking forward to ascertaining whether the condition has been caused by neurological problems, a side effect of medications or an exposure to toxins.
The professional will also make an attempt to distinguish the symptoms of bipolar disorder from mental health problems of other varieties which could include issues like anxiety, schizophrenia, substance abuse and depression.
The treatment for bipolar disorder
Medications have an important role to play in the treatment of bipolar disorder and the medications could be provided to stabilize mood shifts and also as antipsychotics as well as antiseizure medicines. These medications are identified as being helpful and preventing the mood shifts which are suffered by people with bipolar disorder.
Professionals are also using psychotherapy in conjunction with treatment of medications because it can significantly prevent a recurrence of the problem while decreasing the symptoms and other associated problems which are caused by the symptoms.
Making the individual change his or her way of thinking is achieved with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapy which is focused on the family provides education about mental health to improve communication and provide skills for solving problems to the individual affected by the problem.
People who are suffering from bipolar disorder are advised to take good care of themselves in order to obtain maximum benefits from the medications and other therapy which they are obtaining.
They should be making attempts to maintaining a healthy routine by having a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, getting adequate sleep and most importantly staying away from substances such as alcohol and drugs.
People that are affected by bipolar disorder should also make an attempt to learn the warning signs which can cause the mood shifts because it will make it possible for them to prevent manic changes in their moods.