Most people think that celebrities often lie when they say that they actually do different types of diet, that is because people believe that celebrities actually just have the money to be able to afford trainers as well as different medical procedures in order to keep their bodies looking great at all time. However, what most people tend to forget is that not every diet works on everybody, which is why trying a specific diet is always worth taking since you wouldn’t know what is ideal for you or not.
Eating Trends
There are just tons of eating trends out there that people have been trying. There is that water diet wherein you would have to drink only water for a couple of weeks, and then there is also juice cleansing, wherein you’re not allowed to consume anything besides that for a short period of time.
These are just some of the few trends that have been tried but most people need to realize that with every diet, comes with a lifestyle change and that includes motivation and discipline. Most people start great in the first couple of days of their diet, that means they are actually motivated to do it, but what they often lack is discipline. Getting into a diet can definitely be pretty easy since there is that excited to see the results, but once the ideal weight has been achieved, it could get pretty tough to stay with it and have that discipline. It is just so easy to let loose every once in a while, which is not that bad, but it could be a contributing factor when it comes to going back to old eating habits.
There are just tons of eating trends out there that can be pretty extreme for some and not everyone could actually handle it, especially when they’re going hardcore. The body needs to adjust slowly instead of just getting into a diet that your body is not prepared to do. This could lead to you doing a great job at it for a few days and then giving up because your body just could not handle the change. However, there is no harm in trying but it is best to make sure you are well enough or your body is ready to start a new diet.
Super Carb Diet
There is one trend that people seem to be getting into these days, and that is the Super Carb Diet. It is actually created by Bob Harper, who is actually a former trainer from the reality television show The Biggest Loser. This diet focuses on prioritizing the balance of fats, carbs, and proteins, which are all known to be macronutrients. According to Harper, every sing meal or every single snack that a person consumes must contain 40 percent protein, 30 percent fats, and 30 percent of carbs.
This equal balance would then serve as the discipline since you wouldn’t be eating meals that have way too much fat or way too many carbs and protein. However, the carbs are said to be fiber-dense, since these are the type of carbs that can easily be broken down and digested by the body. Fiber-dense carbs are whole grain pieces of bread, pasta, and even some fresh fruits.
In an interview, Harper said that one problem with other diets people are getting into is that they are being deprived of certain foods, which basically mean that they would crave for it even more. He actually suffered from a heart attack earlier last year, and after he got better he decided to create this diet since he needed to make sure he is still getting all the nutrients his body needs, without having to go all out. Harper said he did not want to live his life being deprived of what he wants to eat.
The most ideal way is to stick to foods that are most likely to be organic, if not then choose foods that are processed as little as possible. Eating mindlessly is never an option, you’re the only one who chooses what to put inside your body, so be sure to make the ring decisions by thinking before eating. It turns out that dietitians have been recommending this balanced diet for decades now, but people just want to see instant results and it is often not ideal.